The Kingmaker Histories
The show was created by Meg Molloy Tuten, developed and executive produced by Henry Galley, written by Meg Molloy Tuten, Henry Galley, Addison Peacock, Gus Zagarella, and Charlie Green. The five of them have collaborated previously on Less is Morgue and Congeria, and create content together for the youtube channel We Are Not Alive.
David Ault (he/him) - voice of the Historian
Blythe Renay (she/her)- voice of Colette Geise
Taqi Nazeer (he/him) - voice of Eisen Iyer
Josh Rubino (he/him) - voice of Telesphore Winterlich and others
Zane Schact (he/him) - voice of Leonid Culver and others
Graham Rowat (he/him) - voice of Maxim Moretz
Erika Sanderson (she/her) - voice of Ninette Benoit and others
Bradley Gareth (he/him) - voice of Klaus Holzmann
Addison Peacock (she/her) - writer, script editor, voice of Ariadne Culver and others
Elizabeth Plant (she/her) - voice of Maria Hafner and others.
Zuwie Lefou (they/he) - writer, script editor, voice of Dieter Fellman and others
Jamie Douglas (he/him) - miscellaneous voices
Roscoe Braman (he/him) - miscellaneous voices
Matt Baker (he/him) - miscellaneous voices
Lou Sutcliffe (ey/em) - miscellaneous voices
Meg Molloy Tuten (they/she) - creator, artist, showrunner, sound designer, miscellaneous voices
Henry Galley (he/him) - executive producer, writer, script editor, miscellaneous voices
Ashlee Craft (they/he) - executive producer, miscellaneous voices
Gus Zagarella (he/him) - writer, script editor, miscellaneous voices
Charlie Green (they/them) - writer, script editor, miscellaneous voices
Alex Whitington (he/him) - script editor
June Isenhart (she/her) - original music composer
Jam Wright (she/her) - foley designer
Professor Shyguy (he/him) - opening theme composer
Eduardo Valdés-Hevia and Rounderhouse for promotional artwork
Pixabay and Freesound for sound effects
Vivek Abishek, OddChap, TeknoAxe and Epidemic Sound for royalty-free music used throughout the series